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Alue:Kitarat: soittaminen
Aihe:Kitaristin korva
Aika:27.05.2014 13:07   (muokattu 27.05.2014 13:07)
Korvan ja nuoteistasoiton yhdistelyyn liittyvä vinkki Leavittin Modern methodista (vol. 1, s. 95):
"Reading music is a combination of instant note (and finger) recognition and that of playing the "sound" that you "see" on the music...(along with the relative time durations of the notes of course)... Now try this--play the tonic chord of these Reading Studies (to get your "ear" in the proper key)...then try to sing the music to yourself as you play it... If your fingers have been over the fingering type enough times they will automatically play whatever notes (sound patterns) you mentally "hear" on the page...This will take a great deal of time to master...but keep after it--it's worth it..."
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