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Aihe: Guitar Pro 6
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17.04.2010 18:57:17
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Ostinpas GP6:n hetki sitten. Tällä hetkellä latailee tuota 1,7gb kokoista soundipankkia, joten saapa nähdä minkälaista säätöä tämän kanssa on tiedossa.
17.04.2010 20:25:23
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January: Demoversiossa ei voi avata MITÄÄN muuta kuin ohjelman mukana tulevia esittelyraitoja. Osta kokoversio, niin se on yhteensopiva gp5, gp4, gp3, gp2, gp1, gp0, powertab, tab, txt, bmp, mid, sid, kid, flid, cnt yms. tiedostojen kanssa.
Nii perkele! :D

Noni tulihan sitä selvää tekstiä :D
18.04.2010 12:21:56
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M4ss3 m/: Latasin trialin ja siihen meni varmaan tunti ja sitten ei edes toiminut kunnolla. Äänet vaan lagas ja ketä vittu kiinnostaa jotkut straton tuhat eri mikitysvaihtoehtoa? Ei niillä sitä soundia paljoa muutella etenkään missään midi paska ohjelmassa. Vahvistin mallinnokset tai jotkut auttaisi asiaa edes vähän.
Siellähän on vahvistin mallinnuksia.
Only pop music can break my heart...
18.04.2010 14:07:26
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Tosimiehet waret... joo.
Vois kattoa jos jostain sais vaikka, hm, ladattua ton kuutosen kun itellä on vielä femma käytössä :>
Tuun sitten toki haukkumaan sen lyttyyn tai kehumaan taivaisiin jos saan sen.
"Ajattele nyt parikymppistä ihmistä. Se jaksaa keskittyä kahteen asiaan. Jos yrittää opiskella, urheilla ja naida, niin siinä on yks liikaa. Opiskelemaan ehtii myöhemminkin." - Seppo Räty
M4ss3 m/
18.04.2010 15:18:08
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Cathi777: Siellähän on vahvistin mallinnuksia.
No hyvä, sen verran bugasi etten ehtinyt kuin johonkin delay pedaalin asti tutustua.
18.04.2010 16:47:30 (muokattu 18.04.2010 16:51:18)
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Pikaisesti jotain.
Plussia vähäisen käytön jälkeen:
+ Ulkoisesti paremman näköinen
+ Parempi mahdollisuus nuotintamiseen (Grace noteja enemmän nuotin eteen, fermata, hyvät mahdollisuudet tehdä outoja nuottijakoja kuten 17:16, 21:32 tms.)
+ Hyvät (paremmat) soundit verraten GP5:n RSE:hen
+ Mallinnukset ja efektit on hauskoja, joskin vaativat paneutumista hyvän soundin löytämiseen
+ Automaatiot
- Ei edelleenkään saa triolia triolin sisään
- Ei nopeaa valikkoa esim. trioleista septoleihin vaihtaessa, kuten GP5:ssä
- Rumpujen teko työläämpää, kun tottunut tablatureen kirjoittamaan niitä
- Nuottien varret. Esim. 4/4 jos valitsee automaattisen 8:osien yhdistämisen neljän ryppäisiin, niin kuudestoistaosat menevät 8:n nuotin ryppäisiin, kun jos automaattisesti 16-osat neljän ryppäisiin, niin 8-osat jäävät pareittain.
- Wahille saisi olla jokin äänitysautomaatio, kun kerran voi hiirellä vetkutella sitä pedaalia
- Kerran kaatunut

Asioita, mitä en vielä ole löytänyt, jos on mahdollista:
- Soittimen vaihto
18.04.2010 16:50:37
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Saako tehtyä omituisempia jakoja esmes 9:8?
18.04.2010 16:52:33
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Tonski: Saako tehtyä omituisempia jakoja esmes 9:8?
Joo. Just tässä noita kokeilen, ja muokkasinkin edellistä viestiä. Onnistuu kyllä aika jänniä tekemään, kuten 52:64 jne :)
18.04.2010 17:02:56
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Tossa joku nopea väännös:
18.04.2010 17:10:56
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tender.insanity: Tossa joku nopea väännös:

Onnistutko väsään Power Tabin tyyliin silleen, että yhellä sivulla joku guitar 2 soittaa yhen rivin ja sit se taas jää pois?
Ite en kuollaksenikaan onnistunu, mut ehkä oon vaan liian tyhmä moiseen. :D
And we got caught in the whirlwind // Torn by the storms of our lives.
18.04.2010 17:25:41
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January: Onnistutko väsään Power Tabin tyyliin silleen, että yhellä sivulla joku guitar 2 soittaa yhen rivin ja sit se taas jää pois?
Ite en kuollaksenikaan onnistunu, mut ehkä oon vaan liian tyhmä moiseen. :D

En kyllä vielä ole tuollaista löytänyt.
18.04.2010 21:05:56
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tender.insanity: Tossa joku nopea väännös:

En haluis kyllä soittaa sun soolojas:D
18.04.2010 21:14:57
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Tonski: En haluis kyllä soittaa sun soolojas:D
Toihan oli vasta tollasta alkulämmittelyä.
18.04.2010 22:06:55
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tender.insanity: Tossa joku nopea väännös:

Ihan mielenkiinnosta, pystytkö sä soittamaan itse tuon? Pystytkö ylipäätään hahmottamaan tuollaisia 21:32 -rytmejä? Siis hahmottamaan korvilla, kuka tahansa pystyy laskemaan kyllä 21:n.
"Practice cures most tone issues." -John Suhr
18.04.2010 22:13:38
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kimurantti1: Ihan mielenkiinnosta, pystytkö sä soittamaan itse tuon? Pystytkö ylipäätään hahmottamaan tuollaisia 21:32 -rytmejä? Siis hahmottamaan korvilla, kuka tahansa pystyy laskemaan kyllä 21:n.
Eiköhän tässä ollu ihan ideana demonstroida tuon Guitar Pro 6:n mahdollisuuksia.
19.04.2010 07:56:37
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Ostin ja latasin juuri päivityksen kutosversioon.
Itse en juuri odota mitään ihmeellistä koko päivitykseltä. Käytin uusinta versiota GP 5:sta Macilla ja se on ollut hyvin buginen.
Odotin että vitoseen olisi tullut vielä ilmainen pätsi mutta nyt kävi näin.
Spider III
20.04.2010 16:15:06 (muokattu 20.04.2010 23:11:34)
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Ha! Sain demon kaatumaan.
Ai kele kun vaikuttaa vakaalta. Saatanpa tuon silti ostaa.
Edit. Kaatu toistamiseen. Ai että olen hyvä. Vieläkin mietin kannataako tuota ostaa.
-Paljon pituus? -189cm. -Ei kun letin pituus. -Sama.
20.04.2010 16:58:14
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Se on kyllä ollut hanurista noissa Guitar Pro-kikkareissa, että joka version kohdalla tulee uusi tiedostoformaatti, jota edelliset versiot eivät osaa avata missään muodossa. Eikä tuotteen tekijä viitsi itse edes julkaista mitään viewer-softaa pelkästään nuottien ja tabien katseluun. Open sourcenahan joku viewer taitaa olla saatavissa, joka varmaan putoaa telineisiin, kun yrittää kuutosversion tiedostoja aukoa.
Interviewer: "So Frank, you have long hair. Does that make you a woman?" Frank Zappa: "You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?"
21.04.2010 15:13:17 (muokattu 21.04.2010 15:18:28)
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Otin yhteyttä tukeen päivityksestä GP5:een ja annoin palautetta ton demon perusteella GP6:sta. Eka viestini oli hiukan tuohtunut, olisi varmaankin pitänyt vähän rauhoittua ensin. :D
Ok, so now you have a version out that actually works? GP5 crashed so many times during one day it's a miracle so many people use it (including me). Asking money for a legit bug-fix is a cheap act though.
Yeah, there are many other things besides that, but I already bought my GP5 and it doesn't work. I like it way more than GP6 (we'll get to that) and so I'd like to use it, but it doesn't work. It crashes a lot. I already paid good money for it. Why won't you fix it rather than trying to get me buy another version that I can't even try out.
Sure there are few songs that you let us play, but so what? I don't care about that. I've made 100 songs of my own that I'd like to see how they work out with GP6. Whose bright idea was this? Let's not give anyone a chance to open any files with our software demo. That's stupid.
I don't want to buy this one. I don't care if the software's got "better sounding guitars" and all that crap. I'm not gonna make any serious music with the software. It's just a way to write down my songs and maybe see how all the tracks sync up. Now, almost 300 MB software is a bit excessive for that, don't you think?
But I like the way the writing works (when the program stays stable)... oh wait, I mean how it used to work. I can't even write drum tabs anymore? What the hell?!? Has somebody there lost his mind? That was the absolute fastest way to get anything down and now you take it away. Cool! "We don't wanna make your experience too comfortable so we're gonna take these simple features off."
Also, getting some simple sheet in a printable format with your software is impossible. I was hopeful with GP6, but since it's barely any better than GP5, I don't wanna upgrade. Ok, think about this...
I've got two guitar tracks and a song that's 300 bars long. Now Guitar 1 plays during the whole song and Guitar 2 just a small part in the middle of the song. I want to print both of these tracks on the same sheets of paper. But, uh oh! If I make the Guitar 2 visible, I'm gonna have twice the amount of paper full of empty lines! Seriously? Yeah! Nothing you can do about that.
Also most of the time I've got almost a third of the paper empty, because I can't adjust the height of the lines properly... dynamically. Now, granted, there are settings for trying to tweak this out and that's great! A lot better than GP5, but still a pain in the ass to work with.
You seriously don't give a crap about composing artists or people who want to print their tabs out? All you care about are your RSE-sounds that aren't anywhere near recording quality, but sure as hell take a lot of space from your computer. I mean, look at Power Tab. If you've got two bars of Guitar 2 in your 300 bars composition, you just add the line there! There aren't 298 empty bars in the printed version that waste your paper and ink... not to mention are hard as hell to read.
Ok, listen. I don't care. GP6 must be a nice little program. Nice face lift! I just don't feel like buying it. It's not worth the money.
Now give me a working version of Guitar Pro 5! I've already paid for it.
Thank you.
I thank you for your feedback.
I don't thank you for thinking we're only interested in robbing our customers. We do the best we can to improve on what's already existing. Most people are happy with it, some aren't. You don't need to be rude.
GP5 was becoming unstable, that's why GP6 is a complete rewrite, which is going to keep on improving with every update.
Now, you can try reinstalling GP5, you can also update your soundcard's driver -- that actually helps with Realtek soundcards.
Your remarks about edition are probably mostly unfounded. If there's anything that has been improved with GP6, it's the possibility to edit your scores whichever way you want them.
Musically Yours,
Romain, Customers' Department
Guitar Pro.
Hi again,
You said that I don't need to be rude, and I agree. I apologize for any harsh language I used. I was somewhat angry and propably should've waited for a better time to write this feedback.
Now, that being said -- you say:
"I don't thank you for thinking we're only interested in robbing our customers. We do the best we can to improve on what's already existing."
Do you really? It hardly seems that way. Was that really THE ABSOLUTE BEST you could do? And now you say I should reinstall and update drivers and all that, but that doesn't work. I tried both, with different computers, did absolutely nothing. Yeah the software starts and works well for about 2 minutes (like before) and then starts complaining about anything I do with it, like so:
Is that really the best you are capable in?
I mean, I don't like to think that you rob your customers either. What can you do to change the fact that I DO think so? Because now it obviously seems the way and it's got nothing to do with me. I've got a broken software of yours that always had those problems with every computer I used it with and I paid good money for it. I expect something I buy to work. Don't you?
If someone sold you a broken Visual Studio or what ever software you use, wouldn't you feel robbed? They never said it wouldn't work, but rather listed all the great features it would have if it did. So you, without knowing any better, bought the software and it's buggy as... yeah. Now this is not unexpected. Of course a piece of software can have bugs, I've made them myself. But if you pay for that piece of software a good deal of money (not $5 etc.) then you expect there to be fixes for that program in time. Don't you?
Seriously, don't try to jank me around with your BS. Forgive me if that sounds rude, but I'm really expecting some respect from your end too. I'm not stupid. Sure, some people are like that... you just tell them whatever and "Your remarks about edition are probably mostly unfounded." That's not gonna work here. That's not respectful. That's just telling me: "Shut up, we're not gonna address your problems, so just quit whining." That's pretty bold.
And yeah, I know I was disrespectful too, and I apologized about it. It wasn't right from my part to use that kind of language. You don't need to be rude either.
Ok, getting back to:
"Your remarks about edition are probably mostly unfounded."
How can you tell? "are propably mostly"? What does that mean? You don't know? You made the software. And "mostly"? So some of it is true? Which part? And figure out if they really ARE unfounded and not just "propably". I'm a paying customer here and these problems with your previous versions aren't actually anything "minor" that you can just shrug off. Take some responsibility.
Ok, the attached file is a quick scan from one of my tab books and the same thing (basically) with GP5. Can you see the problem? The last line in the scan is two guitars while the two first lines are only one. With GP5 there has to be the whole song full of empty bars. Is that reasonable? Nope.
Also, the tab there is really messy. All the notes are clustered together in a very unreadable fashion. In GP6 I saw you could change the position of measure lines, but how about the empty space that rests take? Most of the bars in that GP5 version are filled with empty space created by those rests. Again... why? Can you adjust that in GP6?
So, I actually managed to fit the same part of the song on one page, but that's not saying much since there aren't even any bends there (that cover up a lot of vertical space in the score), no Titles of any score information, no vibratos (same as with bends), no instructions etc. That's a mess.
Show me a pdf or an image of that piece of tab made with GP6 so that it looks reasonable, and I have a reason to buy it. I'd still prefer the software to be under 100 Megabytes, since I can't even start to imagine how a tab editor would take almost 300MB of space.
Now, maybe this time you could actually address some of these issues in your response and not just tell me: "you're wrong... because I said so". That would be... not awesome, but responsible and expected as a part of standard customer service.
Musically Yours,
Juha Keränen
And we got caught in the whirlwind // Torn by the storms of our lives.
21.04.2010 15:59:36
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Januarylle plussa ;)
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