Levylista: Gartza1962:n CD-hylly

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Demons & Wizards-1999 
Deep PurpleMade In Japan 19982CD
DetroitHeritage 1989-2009 20082CD 
Dream TheaterThe Astonishing20162CD 
Dream TheaterBlack Clouds & Silver Linings 20093CD 
DakesisTrial By Fire2011CD 
DakesisThe New Dawn2016CD 
Danielsson, Marjo;Haapasalo, Juhani;Rauhamaa, Kaisu;Tokazier, HiMatkalla Kaupunkiin - På väg til Staden 2011CD
Danko JonesBorn a lion 2002CD 
Danko JonesWe sweat blood 2003CD 
Danko JonesSleep is the enemy 2006CD 
Danko JonesNever Too Loud 2008CD 
Davenport, JayWe got the Blues CD
Davis, MilesFran-dance  CD
Deep PurpleIn Rock1995CD
Demon HunterDeath, A Destination 2011CD 
Demon HunterDevil You Known The Beauty Of Destruction 2014CD 
Demons & WizardsTouched by the Crimson King2005CD 
DerdianNew Era (Pt.I) 2006CD
DerdianNew Era Pt. 2 War of the Gods 2007CD 
Desert IslandSessions2008CD 
DetroitIV 2011CD 
DetroitBack To The Motor City2013CD 
DetroitThe Way You Do2016CD 
Di Meola, AlElectric rendezvous 1982CD 
Di Meola, Al / John McLaughlin / Paco De LuciaFriday night in San Francisco (Live) 1981CD 
Dickinson, BruceTattooed millionaire 1990CD 
Dickinson, BruceBalls to Picasso1994CD 
Dickinson, BruceSkunkworks 1996CD 
Dickinson, BruceAccident of birth 1997CD 
Dickinson, BruceThe chemical wedding1998CD 
Dickinson, BruceTyranny of souls2005CD 
Dickinson, BruceThe Mandrake Project2024CD 
Dimmu BorgirPuritanical Euphoric Misanthropia 2004CD 
Dimmu BorgirAbrahadabra2010CD 
Dimmy BorgirDeath cult armageddon 2003CD 
DioHoly diver1983CD 
DioThe last in line1984CD 
DioSacred heart1985CD 
DioDream evil1987CD 
DioLock up the wolves1990CD 
DioStrange highways1993CD
DioAngry machines1996CD 
DioKilling the dragon2002CD 
DioMaster of the moon2004CD 
Dire StraitsLove over gold1982CD
DiscoMusta sydän2002CD 
DisturbedTen thousand fists2006CD 
Do Or DieThe Downfall Of The Human Race 2011CD 
Dog Fashion DiscoAnarchists Of Good Taste 2001CD 
Dog Fashion DiscoCommitted To A Bright Future 2003CD 
Dog Fashion DiscoDog Fashion Disco 2003CD 
Dog Fashion DiscoAdultery 2006CD 
Dog Fashion DiscoAd Nauseam 2015CD 
Doga, YevgenyMustalaisleiri muuttaa taivaaseen  CD
don huonotTähti1999CD 
Down My ThroatReal Heroes Die 2001CD 
Down My ThroatThrough The River Of Denial 2005CD 
Dr. HelanderCountry Boy2015CD 
Dr. Helander & his Medicine MenFreedom music2006CD 
DragonforceSonic firestorm2004CD 
Dream TheaterWhen dream and day unite 1989CD 
Dream TheaterImages and words1992CD 
Dream TheaterAwake1994CD 
Dream TheaterA change of seasons1995CD 
Dream TheaterFalling into infinity1997CD 
Dream TheaterMetropolis pt2: scenes from a memory1999CD 
Dream TheaterThrough her eyes2000CD 
Dream TheaterTrain of thought2003CD 
Dream TheaterOctavarium2005CD 
Dreamers' CircusRooftop Sessions2017CD 
DreamshadeWhat Silence Hides 2011CD 
DreamtaleBeyond reality 2002CD 
DreamtaleOcean's Heart 2003CD 
DreamtaleDifference 2005CD 
Dumari ja SprugetUsvaa putkeen2019CD 
Duo PimperotPiika huusi pinkotinta2017CD
Duo Selina-2019CD
Duran DuranGreatest1998CD 
Dvorák, AntoninSymphony No. 9 "From the new world"  CD 
DyecrestThe way of pain 2004CD 
DynaztyTitanic mass2016CD 
Dzherela KarpatUkraine2023CD 
Dzitari (Baldones kokletaju ansamblis)Sodien saule CD 
Dream TheaterSystematic Chaos2007CD+DVD 
Dream Theatera dramatic turn of events2011CD+DVD 



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