- Keskustelu
Alue:Kitarat: kitarakamat
Aihe:Auta tunnistamaan kitaravahvistin tekstin perusteella.
Aika:06.04.2011 16:09   (muokattu 06.04.2011 16:18)
Aki: Ei munkaan, mutta mä olin ajatellu tämän Rectoksi:
10. US METAL Special
This models a California-made amp head with a three-channel design and versatile gain switches that produce a wide variety of sounds. Weve modeled the lead channel, which produces the ultimate high-gain tone.

Voisko toi olla Fryette Sig X
11. BTQ METAL Custom
This is an original amp model based on a recent high-gain amp, marked by a rich and hot mid-range tone and extremely powerful sustain. Since active-circuit tone controls are used on this model as well, a wide range of tonal variety can be obtained.

Ja toi "recent high-gain amp" viittaa selkeesti Framus Cobraan :) Eikös siinä ole aktiivinen tone-osasto.
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