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Alue:Kitarat: kitarakamat
Aihe:EMG-mikkien (81 ja 60) vaihto kitaraan
Aika:06.08.2016 18:17
Decadetroll: Emg ei käytä sellaisia perinteisiä napapaloja, vaan siellä sisällä on sellaiset mikin pituiset tangot...
Ainakin antiiveissa näin.
Kappas, löysin ihan tekstiäkin aiheesta:
Early EMG pickup designs were made with a bar magnet inside for two reasons. The first reason is that the pole pieces had too much magnetism on the strings and could cause some lower notes to go out of pitch in a Doppler effect. The second reason is that the pole pieces can make tuning and placement of the strings much more difficult. Using the bar magnet however gave the strings a more balanced output. The design of the bar magnet gives it a smoother distortion, better sustain through the amplifier, and have less fade onto the strings than the design of pole pieces.

Juu no sit haitannee arvatenkin vähemmän. Tosin ainakin jossain HZ-sarjan mikeissä on perinteiset napapalat: … d27136e95/o/c/oc1-b-bk_3.jpg?id=989
...mutta näköjään ei kaikissa.
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