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Aihe:Vanhat levyt (digitaalisesti) uudelleen masteroituna vinyylille
Aika:08.03.2016 14:29
Jumalauta toi artikkeli kohottaa mun verenpaineet! :D
Its a little like moving to France for a few years, but only learning the language after you have returned to the U.S., and then expecting everyone here to know what you are talking about.
An architect came along and completely demolished your favorite city and 20 years on, built an identical replica on the ruins
...picking out the tiniest background sound and amplifying it in ways that, well, digital sound simply cannot compete with
But the fact is, it does. Its as if the needle knows how loud it should be, and where it needs to be placed, whereas the computer just says, Ah yes, a twang, and muddles it in with all the others
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