- Keskustelu
Alue:Kitarat: kitarakamat
Aihe:Anderson Vintage Voicing-mikkikytkentä (SSH)
Aika:02.09.2011 23:56   (muokattu 02.09.2011 23:56)
Löysin artikkelin tuolta (, mutta en itse kytkentäkaaviota. Sellainen olisi kiva saada, kun en ole elektroniikka-asioiden kanssa kovinkaan tuttu. Samasta asiasta on keskustelua muuallakin. Sanalliset ohjeet löysin jostain:
The way I like to do them is like this:
500K volume pot
250K/.047uF tone control for the neck and middle pickups
500K/.022uF tone control for the bridge pickup
That gets the right tone components for each type of pickup, which makes far more sense to me than the neck tone/middle & bridge tone setup. And it gives the right volume pot for the bridge pickup.
But, it leaves a 500K volume pot for the single coils, so: wire a 470K (closest standard value to 500K) resistor in parallel with the neck/middle tone pot, directly from hot to ground. Now, when you select either of the singles, the 500K volume pot is paralleled with a 470K resistor, giving effectively a 250K volume pot. When you switch to the humbucker alone, no resistor, so you get the normal 500K load.
Kuvasta ymmärtäisin paremmin.
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