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Aihe: Vinnie Moore
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13.07.2007 13:44:16
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Mistähän muuten sais Mooren Mind_s eye, time odyssey ja meltdown levyjä kohtuulliseen hintaan, olen googlettanut mutta ei löytynyt.
Jos luottokortin omistat niin tuolta löytyy ainakin ME ja TO (ja suunnilleen jokainen muukin maailmassa julkaistu tilutuslevy) sopuisahkoon hintaan.
Miksi mitään? Miksei ennemminkin ei mitään?
07.08.2007 15:19:32
Kotisivu Musiikkinäyte       Linkitä kirjoitukseen Tulosta  

Muistaakseni Moore ei ollut Tammisaaressa vain tuota "tanssilavakeikkaa" varten, vaan saman päivän illalla oli isompi kitarakonsertti
Scandinavian Guitar Festival järkättiin sinä vuonna Raaseporin linnan raunioilla, ja Moore esiintyi siellä. Näin ko. keikan.
Päätän raporttini ulkoavaruudesta tähän.
20.11.2010 22:03:13
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Vanha threadi mutta pistän tähän kapulaenglanniksi vääntämäni kertomus mikä on myös osoitteessa: … 980395f7515421c7f38283765a&start=45
I heard Vinnie Moore at the age of 14 or 15, cant remember exactly. It was a c-cassette of my brothers classmate. The very first song I heard was Daydream, nowadays still one of my favorites. It was an age where human being is sensitive for music that carries on for the rest of ones life. I think this is more than that. The melody, the rhythm, the feel was spectacular. I was playing guitar a little those days and found out I understood the riffs enough to play with as I enjoyed it. In my modest level.
I got deeper into it. I found Minds Eye LP from antique store which sold lps. I wished it would be different album that I was played from the cassette as there would be more Vinnies music. My hopes were still on as it started with In Control title. Daydream was then second song but it wasnt a disappointment though because I liked the whole album then very much. Like I still do. I missed Vinnies visit in Finland in 1989 and Im still sad about it. I saw the ad in the newspaper but forgot the gig.
A little later, in 1989, then without Internet information, I found Time Odyssey from the music store and ran to my brother to introduce it. He also plays guitar and is huge VM fan too. Time Odyssey left a lasting memories of my life during the change of that decade. That has made another albums as Minds Eye started it.
Meltdown was released soon after that and that I found in cassette and my first CD. Then I joined Vinnie Moore Fan Club, got some posters with autograph and picks. Also a black Meltdown t-shirt which unfortunately worn out from the back and I grew out of it.
Out Of Nowhere was a long expected album in 1996 and it strenghtened my enthusiasm with new direction on its music. That also left strong memories of my lifes circles then.
After The Maze I wrote to his quest page and the got first personal Emails from Vinnie, I still have all of them printed and securely stored. We were both interested in ice hockey and had our favorite teams in USA and Finland. Regarding The Maze I got poster with an inscription autograph.
We have had an Email contact for a decade and after purchasing the Dean Vinman2000 guitars, weve had many discussions on Vinman2000 tech specs. After meeting him on 24th and 26th October 2010,I think Vinnie is the same person as Ive always thought. A modest, down to earth, humble and humorist friendly regular guy.
I cannot describe more how Vinnies music has given me. Or how can music without lyrics let so much emotions and feelings go through. Thats something magical Vinnies music has done to me.
As I said, the melody, the rhythm, the feel.
Im jealous about his hair though!
27.11.2010 19:07:12
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Vinnie Moore on varsin miellyttävää meldista kuunneltavaa. Miehen takavuosien soundi Laney Pro Tube 50w:stä on cool. Onhan se aivan loistava nuppi...(kröhöm)......:)
Ehkä tähän mahtuu vinkkiä mustakin vastaavasta taiturista ja laidamba tähän nyt vinkin vaikka ranskispatongista nimeltä Patrick Rondat
Enjoy !
Kirjoitan...siis ehkä en just nyt soita....
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