Aihe: Mikä soitin Jan Akkermanilla?
21.10.2024 15:54:02
Jan Akkerman näkyy vanhoissa Focus-taltioinneissa useimmin (?) Les Paul kera. Oli
'tavallinen Les Paul Custom, L5S ja tämä:
Kertokaapa mikä lienee tarkemmin sanottuna!
'Pitäkää varanne lehmät, sillä elämä on lyhyt.' - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
elon arska
21.10.2024 16:04:03 (muokattu 21.10.2024 16:05:04)
Hetken googlaamisen tulos:
Linkissä ekana olisi tarjolla Gibson Les Paul Personal
My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said 'No, but I want a regular banana later, so... yes!' -Mitch Hedberg
21.10.2024 16:20:25 (muokattu 21.10.2024 16:42:55)
Sepä se, tuossa vaiheessa jo hieman modifioitu Les Paul Personal ja lisä modifiointi
sen muokkasi sunburstiksi kera humbuckerien.
"Jan Akkerman plays (and continues to play) his late sixties Les Paul personal at that performance. He can be heard using that one in it's original state on "In and out of Focus" and "Moving waves."
In 1972 he had the guitar modified by Paul Hamer (yes THAT Paul Hamer) who took out the complex active electronics, planed the solid mahogany body and added a flamed maple top and a stop tail."
"According to the Hamer history book, the work on Jan Akkerman's Les Paul Personal was done in 1973. When the low impedance pickups were removed the guitar routings were larger than the size of normal Humbucking pickups so retopping the guitar with a figured maple top was cosmetically pleasing and allowed for the holes to be recut to fit the Humbuckers. After the wood working was done, the top was bound and finished in cherry sunburst, as per Akkerman's request for it to resemble a 50's flametop Les Paul. Paul Hamer said this guitar was one of the best sounding guitars he had ever heard."
21.10.2024 21:26:30
Kiitokset nopeasta ja tarkasta selvityksestä!
'Pitäkää varanne lehmät, sillä elämä on lyhyt.' - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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