Wanted: Näytä ilmoitus (#199217)

Orkesteri hakee: Rock pop band looking for versatile keyboard player
Ilmoittaja: hmcnmj (#127050)
Lisätty: 14.10.2024 13:25   |   Voimassa: 11.04.2025
Lähetä pikaviesti 
Hi, we're Radio Silencio, a Helsinki-based rock pop band playing the greatest ROCK anthems from Latin America and Spain, as well as our own original music. Though we play songs in Spanish, our style is NOT latin rock, but closer to alternative US and British hard rock, rock pop and soft rock from the 80s and 90s.

Here's a playlist of the tunes featuring keyboards that we play and that you'd be in charge of performing: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1 … vgOz3sNDE?si=qUIPOojGQiWMo0hOnL1HjA

If you want to listen only to our own original songs to get a grasp of our style, please check our Spotify profile: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5aA … v7j2m9Ozz?si=F4J7d9l6Suybm2TkM_k4Bg

We have a big following of Spanish-speaking expats who are eager to get a touch from home in our concerts. And we find a place for our own music to be included in our setlists, so we don't focus only on playing covers.

We rehearse about 2-4 times a month in Vallila. The working language of the band is English since we have both Spanish and Finnish-speaking members.

Please send a message to radiosilencio.fi@gmail.com
Kiinnostus: Harrastelija
Soittokokemus orkestereissa: Yli kaksi vuotta
Ikä: 25-
Osasto: Kosketinsoittajat
Paikkakunta: Helsinki (Etelä-Suomen lääni)