- Keskustelu
Alue:Kitarat: kitarakamat
Aihe:Hauskoja kitara-efektejä
Aika:12.10.2009 17:58
Jokuhan tuossa toisessa ketjussa jo kyseli tuon perään:
RedTelectronix Stevie Ray Vaughannabe
Dontcha get tired of reading all those "How do I get the SRV tone" posts on the discussion boards? The Stevie Ray Vaughannabe should put an end to it all! No matter what you put in to it, SRV comes out the other end. Many users have sworn they felt Stevies presence in the room while using this pedal. A must for any pseudo blues player. Black hat and cowboy boots optional.
Itse taidan lähinnä kaivata Talent Boostia...
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