- Keskustelu
Kirjoittaja:Keke Urlaub
Alue:Kitarat: kitarakamat
Aihe:Efektilenkin vaarat
Aika:30.08.2014 22:23
Huikki: Mielenkiintoinen juttu. Onko "päätesäröä" mahdollista saada ilman etuastesäröä? Esiintyykö "päätesärö" ylipäätään sellaisena särönä, jota voisi verrata etuasteen tai säröpedaalien tuomaan säröön?
Bad Cat on ilmeisesti onnistunut kehittämään tähän oman ratkaisunsa, K masterin. Mutta kai sä tämän tiesitkin jo :). Monta taalaa saa laittaa jonoon, jos tuollaisen kissan hankkii...
"Patent Pending K Master_
Gain up the power amp section while leaving the pre-amp sparkling clean? Yes. Imagine getting a full 15 watts of clean headroom out of a 15 watt amp, or a full 30 out of a 30. Turn down the master volume to bedroom low all while maintaining your tone intact. Not only is this possible its also useful for guitar players.
Power amp gain is different than pre-amp gain. It feels, sounds and even looks different. Master volume has always been misnamed. It should have been called master attenuation. Until now master volumes were unable to do anything, but attenuate. The drive to the power section was always dependent on the drive coming from the pre-amp.
Now Bad Cat has figured out a way to separate the pre-amp from the power amp gain, and calling it the K Master_. Before this you couldn't drive the power amp hard without pushing the pre-amp into saturation. The K Master_ patent pending technology has allowed us to re-invent the concept of the master volume. Bad Cat is now offering the K Master_ in the Cub III Series."
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