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Aihe: EL34 vaiko KT88 pääteputket?
08.05.2003 15:50:26
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tuossa eilen tuli kysyttyä mikeistä ja nyt pääteputkista.. itselläni tällä hetkellä käytössä EL34 ja kysyisinkin käyttökokemuksia KT88 putkista?
17.06.2012 16:28:13
Musiikkinäyte       Linkitä kirjoitukseen Tulosta  

Selailin Uraltonen sivuja ja itselle heräsi gasit kokeilla EL34 tilalle KT90: … l&XTCsid=dm85n0qsut7kdnlndkj0f0j6u3
Olin suunnitellut laittaa KT88, mutta jos laittaiskin noi! Yksi vastus tarvii vaihtaa vahvistimen bias-osastolta, mutta se on sit siinä.
20.06.2012 00:53:27
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Mulla ei ole henkilökohtaisesti kokemuksia KT88:sta. Tässä kuitenkin aika hyvä kommentti toiselta forumilta.
Youtubesta voi löytyä jotain mielenkiintoista, mutta en luottais sieltä kuulemiin soundeihin liikaa koska Youtuben audio-encoding muuttaa soundia aika paljon.
Personally, I wouldn't think that I would use the word "huge" difference. There will be a tone difference for sure, but it's still the same amp, and it will always sound like this amp, but a little different.
If you've heard that it will make difference as in "better", the person who said it really meant that it was better to him. Doesn't necessarily have to be better for you.
I'd agree with a lot of that, especially the last comments. But while maybe not 'HUGE', there will likely be a pretty noticable difference, especially I'd think in tone and feel. Whether it'll suit you (or the Orange amp) or not, well that is something only you can decide. :?
Look at it this way. Big Marshalls way back, like these days, used EL34s. Then at one point they started using 6550s for US distributed ones. That lasted for about 10 years or so I think. The 6550 amps gained some clean power, yes, and probably made better bass amps. But with guitar a lot of people (not all, mind!) thought they lost a lot of their 'Marshall' character. The character of the distortion they got with the 6550s wasn't nearly so gnarly, but a lot more in your face, and it didn't happen anything like as progressively either. Was the little bit louder worth it or not?
One of the most popular Marshall mods (surprise surprise!) was changing the bias back to run EL34s. Though of course some guitarists and bands did thrive on the 'US Marshall sound'.
Probably pretty surprisingly to many though, it is actually very debatable whether much at all of a cranked 100W 'Plexi' Marshalls great distortion is actually true power valve overdrive. That really depends on which stage distorts first and foremost: preamp stages, (tone stack), the phase inverter stage, or the power valves themselves. Sometimes the answers can be surprising and not what you'd think at all. And remember, a Marshall is going to be different from say a Hiwatt on that sort of score, and both are likely to be very different again from an Orange. ... stcount=19
That hardly matters though, the differences between using the different power valves sound and are real enough...
Purely a matter of taste. Feel free to try it out yourself ianwrecked, making sure to have the valves properly biased - not just by flipping the switch on the back! And you could report back on whether or not it really worked for you.
For me though the ability to change from the standard power valves really isn't a huge selling point of the RV.100. All it does is just to make it a little easier for your tech to change the bias range. (And much easier for someone to switch it wrongly by mistake! :o ) A tech will still need to open the amp up to do a proper bias check though. And anyway it is by no means impossible to convert many other amps. Myself I might be tempted to do it with an EL34 amp for playing bass. But then I'd never buy a Rockerverb purely for bass... :wink:
"Talking about music is like fishing about architecture" - Frank Zappa
Terry Pantheras
20.06.2012 22:53:10 (muokattu 20.06.2012 22:54:56)
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En osaa tieteellisiä termejä, joten käytän perstuntumasanastoa... KT88:t on omien kokemuksien mukaan "headroomikkaat", eli säröytymisaste on alhainen; säilyy selkeys ja artikulaatio. Ne on semmoset jässikät, muskelikkaat ja isosaundiset putket: alapäätä ja puskua, mutta myös purentaa riittää. Tappelevat mukavasti soittotatsia vastaan.
Joku muu ja kokeneempi voi tietty tyrmätä ja pyyhkiä lattiaa näkemyksilläni. :)
MUOX: no vittu tää onkin joku 'kun isä lampun osti' -ajan topic... :D
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